

Suwuk hamer

Dowamly terapiýa, reanimasiýa üçin suwuklanan terapiýa we lakuwda eltip bermek üçin lukma gowşuryş ulgamlary we öýjükli halas ediş enjamlary


"Vanessa G. Henke," Prestetiki enjamlary, "anesthetiki" enjamlary bolan "Sumber" Sumberg


Suwuk ýylylyk ulgamlaryna syn





Heating of IV fluids can be accomplished by dry heat exchange, countercurrent heat exchangers, fluid immersion, or (less effectively) by placing part of the fluid circuit in the proximity of a separate heater (such as a forced-air device or heated water mattress ).

Post wagtyňyz: Jan-17-2025